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Cornerstone: A stone that forms the base of a corner of a building, joining two walls.

Last October had been a pretty humid month so when a cool, crisp morning came in, my boyfriend, Freddie and I sat on my porch, coffee in hand, to take it all in. It was a perfect morning - beautifully clear and the leaves were finally changing. While talking, I noticed a woman heading up my walkway.

She introduced herself to us and said she was the original owner of my house and could she possibly take a look around with her daughter, who was right behind her. Without hesitation, I jumped up and told her absolutely! As I grabbed my door, she said she needed to see the "cornerstone" first. I wasn't sure what she meant and she went right to the base of my house and pointed to the out of place, white stone that had been there speckled amongst the old, worn bricks. I had seen that stone from time to time, but never thought twice about it. She told me with tears in her eyes that it came from her husband's old house on Staten Island and while this house was being built, he wanted to place it as a cornerstone - to bring a piece of home to the new house almost 60 years ago. I was shocked to say the least. I couldn't get the words out fast enough that Staten Island was my home growing up. Imagine that! A stone from a house in the same place where I grew up was placed in my New Jersey home before I was even born. In a matter of minutes we were comparing notes of where we grew up, schools, stores, and restaurants. It's always so wonderful when you talk to someone from home.

As I brought her into my - well - her old home, she was beyond happy. There have been so many changes since she had last seen this house but she knew exactly what room was what and where things had been. All the while she was telling her daughter memory after memory of raising five kids within these walls. I could only imagine the emotions of joy and nostalgia that were swirling around her head. In the room where her children slept, she saw beyond the replaced windows and wall paint of her children's toys that were probably scattered on the floor. In my living room, where the walls were torn down to make a great room, she could see her Christmas tree glowing against the window or smell a roast that was cooking in her old kitchen. Looking outside, she probably envisioned her family gathering on a patio.

She saw that I had children and that I've obviously made memories as well and she took it all in. At one point she looked me in the eye and said, "I don't know if many people tell you this but YOU are an amazing need to know that. I can just tell". It was if the world stood still at that moment. I was taken aback. I've had a rough couple of years as of late and one of the things I constantly think is that I'm failing as a mom - and here was this woman telling me that I'm doing a great job and that no matter what I go through, everything was going to be okay. I was speechless. A simple sentence of words made me feel so much better than I had been in a long time.

When she was leaving, I made sure I got her address and phone number because I was not letting this bond leave the house. I feel that through the bricks, beams, and cornerstone, that we will be always connected. I am forever tied to someone who once was a stranger, I now call my friend.

When she left, we stood there is amazement. This woman's half hour visit made her so happy and ours as well. Being that Freddie is from Staten Island, he told me he was going to take pictures of her husband's old house from where the cornerstone came as a continued memory for her. After I had them printed, we met her for lunch and she was so thankful. As she only lives ten minutes from me, we have gotten together a few times and it's been wonderful.

I love that my house has so many memories before me - as I have made my own - and I love that a little piece of Staten Island is in my New Jersey home. This experience was truly a bright spot in what was a very ordinary day. Sometimes life is like that. Sometimes out of nowhere a person can walk right into your world and make it for the better.

Just like a cornerstone connects two walls - I feel that this stone connected me to one of the nicest, most genuine people that I've ever had the pleasure to meet. I am truly blessed.

Till next time...

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